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Class Representatives

Class Representatives are volunteer parents who represent all parents in a particular class. These representatives liaise between parents and the PTA and provide the collective voice of the class parents to the PTA.

The role of an Aspin Class Rep

Aspin PTA has the help of some brilliant people from each year group who act as "Class Reps". Their help is invaluable and hugely appreciated.


Class Reps are warmly invited to join the Aspin PTA Committee meetings to share any feedback or thoughts from fellow parents, but it is not compulsory. 

Class Reps usually help with promoting PTA events within their class group as well as supporting the following activities:

  • Cake Sale

Each year group will be asked to organise one cake sale each year. For this, Class Reps need to ask the other parents in their year group to bake or buy cakes / biscuits to donate to the sale, and helpers to sell them on the day. This will also need to be advertised to other year groups to make sure people actually come and buy them.

  • Hamper

Each year group will also be asked to put a hamper together at some point in the year for the Christmas Fair or the Summer Fair, and sometimes for Fireworks Night. Again, this involves asking other parents in the year group to donate items, put them all in a pretty box to be ready at least 3 days before the event.

  • Christmas / Summer Fair

We usually have Class Reps' stalls at the fairs. These are all together in one room / area and are just games for the children visiting the fair to play. For this, Class Reps are sometimes asked to put a game together or ask someone else to do it for the year group. Class Reps need to ask parents in the year group to help out in the games room and also to help out in other parts of the fair if they can. The fairs are always only 2 hours long so it's never a crazy amount of time people are expected to volunteer for. 

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