First Aid Course
We are holding a First Aid training night hosted by Watson Training Services on Thursday 25th May at Aspin Park Primary School 19:00 - 21:30 - The course will be run in a Key Stage 2 classroom.
The Workshop covers a range of subjects from choking, CPR, Recovery Position to febrile convulsions, head bumps and minor injuries. It will give learners the skills and confidence to help a child or baby in an emergency.
There is strictly a maximum of 30 attendees on the course so places will be issued on a first come first served basis. If the course is successful we will hold more courses. All participants will get a certificate at the endof the course. First aid kits will be available to
buy as well as refreshments.
The cost of the course is £15 per person and is for adults only.
There is a booking slip available on the latest Newsletter which you can complete and hand into reception along with payment or you can book and pay online at